BPCA Junior Rep Cricket

14 Oct 2016 by Glen Potter

Good luck to all the BPCA junior rep teams set to hit the field this Sunday. Well done to the many volunteers who who’ve assisted as selectors and trial-coordinators, etc. and thank you to our coaches and team managers who’ve opted to be involved throughout the series. I might add that enthusiastic BPCA umpire, Gino Moro, has also put his hand up to officiate some of our rep games. Well done to you all.

The teams are attached. If there are parents at any of the games who’d like to send through some scores and individual highlights, feel free to do so, either through Facebook, Twitter (@BPCAjuniors), or via Team App (Bellarine Peninsula Cricket Association – Junior Representative Cricket)

At this stage we are still going ahead, despite the forecast for some rain on Sunday afternoon and evening. It will still be a case of report to the ground and hopefully we can get in as much cricket as possible. We’ll see. There will be an update on Sunday’s match-status sometime on Saturday night, especially if the forecast deteriorates.

Go BPCA Pirates & Buccaneers!

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